Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Word Assignment: 1 word: 10 pictures

1. Brain: This is a drawing of the human brain complete with the stem.
2. Skull: This is a drawing of hte human skull along with a small shadow of the skull and the eye sockets.
3. Spine: This is a drawing of the human spine along with a sketch of the skull

4. Ribcage: This is a drawing of the human ribcage along with a sketch of the spine.
5. Lungs: This is a drawing of the human lungs.

6. Heart: This is a drawing of the human heart and its four chambers

7. Digestive System: This is a drawing of the human digestive system slong with a small outline of the head.

8. Pelvis: This is a drawing of the human pelvis along with a sketch of the spine and femers

9. Hand: This is a drawing of the human hand complete with the falanges and metacarples along with an outline of the hand.

10. Essence: This is a drawing of the seven chakras of the human body. Root chakra (starting from the bottom) located just above the anus, it is the material drive of  the body. Sacral chakra located behind the genetals, it is the source for sensual drive and reproduction. Solar Plexus located at the navel, it is the seat of the will power and drives digestion. Heart chakra located right of the physical heart, it is the source of love and compassion. Throat chakra located at the throat, it is the source for spiritual drive. Thrid Eye located between the eyebrows, it is the soucre of intellect. Lastly the Crown chakra, located at the crown of the head, connects the mind to the rest of the world, to other forms of life; the source of spiritual and supreme light.

Word: Anatomy

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